Focus Your Money

Financial Coaching.

John has over 20 years’ experience looking at other people’s finances and importantly his own. His career has taken him from the big end of town working for Westpac Banking Corporation to his own franchise of the well-known coffee shop Michelle’s Patisserie.

John has also spent time working as an Auditor reviewing company books for accuracy and a financial consultant helping people get into their own homes. Over his career he has reviewed thousands of bank statements to see where the money went and helped people plan their finances, create a budget or work their way out of the worst financial situations.

John has a passion for seeing people understand their finances and reach their dreams by bringing a personal touch to money or debt management. Rest assured the tips John can provide are not theoretical but tried and tested suggestions to slash your spending and help you put more cash into your pocket.

What I can do for you...

-I sit down with you/your partner/families
-This can be done face to face or via Skype
-Discuss and decide what you would like to spend your money on over the next 12 months (this includes food, clothes, car expenses, holidays etc)
-This consultation process is free
-If there is a surplus we decide on where this should be placed, ie debt reduction or savings

If you wish to proceed we discuss the next step. This is a system that I have created that you work from to keep you accountable and ensure only the allocated amounts are spent.

It really is a passion of mine to help people understand their finances and I hope I can work with you towards your goals.

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